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Friday, August 2

Prudence vs Paranoia


⭐Prudence looks before leaping, paranoia looks, looks and looks but never leaps.

⭐Prudence wins the lottery, paranoia never buys the ticket.

⭐Prudence gives his best shot, paranoia takes no shot at all.

⭐Prudence takes the stage, paranoia prefers to applaud

⭐Prudence strives for the best, paranoia fears the worst

⭐Prudence invested his talents and gained more, paranoia preferred to keep it buried.

⭐Prudence launches out, paranoia prefers to hold back.

⭐Prudence uses the seat belt, paranoia fears taking a ride.

⭐Prudence prepares and plans; paranoia panics.

⭐Prudence calculates the risk and takes the plunge; paranoia never enters the water.

⭐Prudence takes any risk, paranoia takes no risk.

⭐Prudence will succeed, paranoia will never even try.

Based on UCB Word For Today
Sent from my Windows Phone
"....the prudent considers well his step" proverbs14:15


  1. HmMmmm, nice one bro!!!

    1. Thank you, please check in again to see the latest posts.
      Be prudent, not paranoid. Have faith don't fear. And watch out for #The Canvas, coming soon.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you my oga. You're publicity o, so watch out for the next post #The Canvas, it'll touch your life.


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