You're Most Welcome

Welcome to The Masterpiece, we're simply canvases on which The Master does his art.

Wednesday, October 9

Belov'd One


I'm love struck

Struck by your love
Like the strings of the harp

On which this tune is played
Struck, by a thousand fists
Of love venting it's vehemence

Monday, October 7


SHE stepped into class that morning and the first thing she released to the class was "hope you are enjoyed your holidays". This was the first among series of ear assaults we were to receive and we instantly knew something was not in place, or more was in place. We knew we were going to have a jolly ride, this was no ordinary lecture, and no ordinary lecturer. There was more to her than her simple dressing, her pleasing demeanour, and the textbooks she held in her hand. She was here to do more than teach us physical properties of liquids and gas, and set another hindrance to A, she was also here to improve our vocabulary of superb shells.